Game Status

Game release version 0.40
Time since last reset 129 weeks 4 days
Allow Players Yes
Allow New Players Yes

Game Options

Allow Team Planet Credit Transfer No
Allow Full Long Range Scan Yes
Allow Sub-Orbital Fighter Attacks Yes
Display Password on Registering No
Genesis torps can destroy planets Yes
Intergalactic Bank (igb) Enabled
Known Space Maps Enabled
Navigation Computer Enabled
Newbie Nice Enabled
Spy System Enabled
Allow Spies to capture planets Yes

Game Settings

Game version: OJ's game
Averaged Tech level When Emergency Warp Degrades 100
Number of Sectors 131,640
Maximum Links per sector 15
Maximum average tech level for Federation Sectors 160
igb Interest rate per update 0.005
igb Loan rate per update 0.06
Tech Level upgrade for Bases 20
Colonists Limit 20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Maximum number of accumulated turns 800,000
Maximum number of planets per sector 5
Maximum number of traderoutes per player 40
Colonist Birth Rate 0.008
Unit of Energy used per sector fighter 2.5
Sector fighter degradation percentage rate 5
Maximum number of spies per planet 5
Spy success factor 1.0
Spy kill factor 1.0
Colonists needed to produce 1 Fighter each turn 20,000
Colonists needed to produce 1 Torpedo each turn 8,000
Colonists needed to produce 1 Goods each turn 2,222
Colonists needed to produce 1 Prefab Housing each turn 312,500,000
Colonists needed to produce 1 Energy each turn 25,000
Colonists needed to produce 1 Ship Hulls each turn 200,000,000,000
Colonists needed to produce 1 Bio Weapons each turn 6,666,666,667
Colonists needed to produce 1 Consumer Electronics each turn 1,000,000
Colonists needed to produce 1 Bio Medical each turn 400,000
Colonists needed to produce 1 Entertainment Software each turn 444,444
Colonists needed to produce 1 Organics each turn 500
Colonists needed to produce 1 Ore each turn 2,222
Colonists needed to produce 1 Weapon Systems each turn 4,761,904,762
Colonists needed to produce 1 Communication Satellites each turn 32,520,325
Colonists needed to produce 1 Construction Equipment each turn 11,111,111
Colonists needed to produce 1 Hovercraft each turn 3,846,154
Colonists needed to produce 1 Slave each turn 50
Colonists needed to produce 1 Credits each turn 7

Alliance Settings

alliancefactor 10 Base multiplier to use for figuring base cost for Alliance Zone items
alliance_enabled 0 Set to 1 to enable additional Alliance Ships other than the Alliance Leader

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Avatar/Icon Uploads

allow_avatar_upload 1 1 = yes let players upload their own avatars (there are size restrictions so nothing outlandish can be uploaded), 0 = no
allow_icon_upload 1 1 = yes let players upload their own team icons (there are size restrictions so nothing outlandish can be uploaded), 0 = no

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Bounty Settings

bounty_maxvalue 0.1 Max amount a player can place as bounty - good idea to make it the same as $igb_svalue. 0=disable
bounty_minturns 1000 Minimum number of turns a target must have had before attacking them may not get you a bounty. 0=disable
bounty_multiplier_increase 1 Each time a player gets a bounty the bounty multiplier is increased by this amount.
bounty_ratio 0.70 ratio of players networth before attacking results in a bounty. 0=disable
fed_bounty_count 0 When the player gets this number of bounties only the Federation can collect them until the federation bounty period expires.
fed_bounty_delay 0.0004 How quickly the Fed Only Bounty Collection counts down. Calculation is ((bounty count / fed_bounty_delay) * ticks) / 60 / 60 = days to clear fed only bounty IE: ((1 / 0.0004) * 5) / 60 / 60 = 3.47 days to clear one fed only bounty.
fed_collection_start 3 When a player gets this many unpaid bounties the federation/alliance will start attacking the players ship.
fed_collection_start2 4 When a player gets this many bounties on the bounty counter the federation/alliance will attack the players ship once a day until the counter goes below this value.
fed_collection_start3 5 When a player gets this many bounties on the bounty cpunter the federation/alliance will remove the most expensive ship the player owns every day and decrement the counter by 1 until it is below this value.
fed_collection_start4 6 When a player gets this many bounties on the bounty counter the federation/alliance will remove the most expensive ship the player owns and when Pioneers are the only ships left planets will be removed every time they attack a bountied player until the bounty counter goes below the fed_collection_start3 value.
fed_collection_start5 7 When a player gets this many bounties on the bounty counter they are killed without an escape pod and removed from the game.
nobountyperiod 4320 The period of time in minutes before you can collect a bounty on a former teammate.
planet_bounty_ratio 0.50 ratio of players networth before attacking one of their planets results in a bounty. 0=disable

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max_casino_bet 1000000000 Maximum amount a player can bet in the Casino

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Combat Damage Settings

basedefense 20 Additional factor added to tech levels by having a base on your planet.
confusion_modifier 0.18 Multiplier to figure attack confusion.
defender_lucky_multiplier 2 Multiplier for damage if the defender gets a lucky strike on the attacker.
defender_lucky_percentage 5 Percentage of chance the defender will do multiplier damage.
ecm_modifier 1.7 Multiplier for target ecm vs ship sensor check.
failure_modifier 0.1 This is multiplied by the tech level. This gives the max percentage of units in that tech that are not used if it fails.
flee_degredation 20 Percentage of degredation to ship engines, shields and armor if a ship tries to break off an attack and flee
full_attack_modifier 20 percentage of increase for attacker damage and percentage decrease for defenders damage to attacker
group_divider 400 This is how many groups to divide an attack wave by to get the variable damage amount. The higher the number the less difference in the final dmage amount.
internal_damage_percent 80 Percentage of chance that a tech level is damaged out of the number of techs selected to be damaged.
lowpercent_ecm_modifier 10 Base level for low percent calculation for target ecm vs ship sensor check.
planet_shield_multiplier 10 This multiplier is for how much energy planet shields need for full power (IE: for every 1 a ship needs for shields a planet needs 10 for the same tech levels)
reliability_modifier 0.05 This is multiplied against a tech value you get the reliability percentage of tech level. Higher tech levels become more unreliable. Set to 0 for 100% reliable tech.
repair_modifier 60 percentage of normal upgrade cost to repair damaged tech levels
tech_complete_failure 1 If a tech fails this is the percentage check to see if it COMPLETELY fails.

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Cost and Level Factors

inventory_factor 1 Base inventory price factor
level_factor 1.04138 Level multiplier
max_tech_level 600 Maximum tech levels
planet_SD_upgrade_factor 1.0743 Upgrade/Repair multiplier
planet_upgrade_factor 1.0671 Upgrade/Repair multiplier
port_price_control 50 This is base price that is used to increase all port prices of all commodities. Raise this value if you want port prices to increase faster.
upgrade_cost 500 Base Upgrade cost
upgrade_factor 1.0767 Upgrade/Repair multiplier

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Database Prune Settings

disable_pruning 0 Disable = yes will turn off the pruning feature, Enable = Will allow the game to delete inactive players, destroyed players, old news and logs using the settings below
retaindataduration 14 Number of days to retain news before purging them.
retaindestroyedplayers 3 Number of days to keep completely destroyed players before purging them.
retainextendedlogsduration 7 Number of days to retain extended admin logs before purging them.
retainlogsduration 7 Number of days to retain logs before purging them.
retainnonplayers 14 Number of days to retain nonplaying players before purging them.

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debris_max 5000 Maximum number of auto generated debris to constantly have roaming the universe (this value is set by the create universe but can be changed in the admin area)

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Device Prices

armor_price 5 Cost for each unit of armor
dev_beacon_price 10 Device base cost
dev_emerwarp_price 1000000 Device base cost
dev_escapepod_price 10000 Device base cost
dev_fuelscoop_price 10000 Device base cost
dev_genesis_price 500000 Device base cost
dev_minedeflector_price 100 Device base cost
dev_probe 10000 Device base cost
dev_sectorgenesis_price 100000000 Device base cost
dev_sectormissile_price 1000000 Device base cost
dev_warpedit_price 10000 Device base cost
fighter_price 50 Cost of each fighter
max_emerwarp 3 Maximum number of Emergency Warp Devices a ship can carry.
max_probes 10 Maximum number of Probes a player can have.
max_sectormissile 5 Maximum number of Ship MIssiles a ship can carry.
torpedo_price 25 Cost of each torpedoe
torp_dmg_rate 10 damage each torpedo or mine causes to armor
warplink_build_cost 140 This is how many credits it costs per lightyear to build or destroy a warplink
warplink_build_energy 12 This is how many units of energy it costs per lightyear to build or destroy a warplink

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Dignitary Settings

dig_changetoembezzler 0.01 Percentage of chance that Digs will change to imbezzlers.
dig_embezzlerdelay 3 Number of days delay before digs can change to embezzlers random time selected
dig_embezzlerturns 10000 Number of turns a player must have used before being able to receive embezzled funds.
dig_embezzler_amount 20 Maximum Percentage of money on the planet an embezzler can steal at one time.
dig_embezzler_success 10 Percentage of chance that an embezzler will embezzle money.
dig_imbezzler_max 0.00015 Max embezzler percentage production dignitaries will make
dig_price 1000000 price for each dignitary
dig_reembezzlerdelay 1 Number of days delay before embezzlers can embezzle again.
dig_spy_embezzler 5 Percentage of chance that an embezzler will be caught by a spy on the planet.
enable_dignitaries 1 Set to 0 to disable dignitaries completely
max_dignitary_per_planet 5 Max Dignitaries per planet

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Expanding Universe

allow_expanding_universe 1 1 = Universe will expand as time goes by, 0 = Universe is fixed in size
universe_expansion_rate 100 Universe will expand randomly from 1 to number entered at each schedule
universe_size 500000 This is the size of the universe in lightyears. This affects how far you can travel in realspace with your engine tech level. A smaller universe measn you can use small engines and a larger universe means you will have to use much larger engines.

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Experience Points

attacking_planet 0.5 Gain 1 points when attacking.
attacking_ship 1 Gain 1 points when attacking.
basing_planet 20 When building a planet gain 20 points.
defeating_planet 100 When capturing a planet gain 100 points.
destroying_enemyship 200 When destroying enemy ship gain 200 points.
independent_planet -20 When a planet is lost remove 20 points.
losing_planet -50 When a planet is lost remove 50 points.
losing_yourship -150 If your ship is destroyed remove 150 points.
sofa_planet 2 Gain 5 points
trading_exp 0.1 Gain 0.1 point of experience for each trade run.

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General Game Settings

colonist_limit 20000000000000000000000 Maximum number of colonists you can have on a tech level 0 planet
deathlostpercent 75 Maximum percentage of credits that will be when your ship is destroyed.
default_lang english This is the main language the game uses.
display_password 0 If 1, will display password on signup screen.
ewd_maxavgtechlevel 100 Max average tech level has to be before EWD degrades
fed_max_avg_tech 160 Max average tech level has to be before ship is towed from fed sectors
fullscan_cost 1 How many turns it costs to do a full scan of all wapr links in a sector
indy_planet_purge 21 If a planet stays independent for more than this many days it will have a 20% chance of being purged from the game.
last_visited_days 3 If a player doesn't land on a planet within this number of days it because ripe for going independent. Point values can be used for partial days.
link_max 15 Maximum number of links to create for each sector when the universe is created
local_number_dec_point . Self explanitory
local_number_thousands_sep , Self explanitory
maxlen_password 16 Maximum size password that the user can enter when signing up the first time
max_digs 500 Maximum number of Dignitaries a player can have on their ship.
max_owned_planets 0 The maximum number of planets any player can own. Default value is 0 for unlimited planets. If a player captures a planet that would take them over the max they will have to drop a planet from their list.
max_port_buy_commodities 3 This is the maximum number of commodities a port can offer to buy.
max_rank 20 Maximum number of players to show on each page of the ranking list.
max_sglinks 3 The maximum number of links that can be in an SG sector.
max_spies 500 Maximum number of Spies a player can have on their ship.
max_traderoutes_player 40 Maximum number of traderoutes a player can have.
max_turns 800000 Maximum number of turns a player can have
max_unbased_planets 10 Player cannot build anymore planets with the Genesis Device if they have this many unbased planets or higher.
mine_hullsize 140 Minimum combination of the basehull and purchased hull level before a ship will hit mines
min_ship_value_capture 170 Percentage of ships value a ship must be worth to be able to capture it. 0=disable
min_value_capture 110 Percentage of planet's value a ship must be worth to be able to capture it. 0=disable
namechange_fee_adjustment 0.01 playerscore * playerscore * namechange_fee_adjustment to calculate the fee charged to change a players name based upon their net worth.
notradeperiod 7200 The period of time in seconds a port doesn't have any trading before prices go back up.
piratestealpercent 25 Maximum percentage of credits that will be stolen by pirates.
planetary_overage 2.5 For every 3 (planetary_overage) planets over the safe 50 planet limit a person owns the chance a planet will go independent will increase by 1%. If a player has 350 planets then 100% will be added to the percentage of chance each of their planets will go independent.
scan_error_factor 20 Percentage scans will error
ship_cost_increase 25 Percentage that ship prices should increase for each ship a person loses per class.

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Idle/Refresh Settings

idle_max 5 This is the maximum number of minutes a player can be idle before the game logs the player out of the game.
refresh_max 25 This is the maximium number of times a player can refresh a screen before the game logs the player out of the game.

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IGB Bank

ibank_collateral_level 3 The number of based planets a player must have before the bank will make a loan. Use whole numbers only.
ibank_interest 0.00005 Interest rate for account funds NOTE: this is calculated every system update!
ibank_loanfactor 0.10 One-time loan fee
ibank_loaninterest 0.0006 Loan interest (good idea to put double what you get on a planet)
ibank_loanlimit 0.25 Maximum loan allowed, percent of net worth
ibank_paymentfee 0.05 Paymentfee
igb_lrate 1440 Time (in minutes) players have to repay a loan
igb_min_turns 4000 Turns a player has to play before ship transfers are allowed 0=disable
igb_svalue 0.15 Max amount of sender's value allowed for ship transfers 0=disable
igb_tconsolidate 10 Cost in turns for consolidate : 1/$igb_consolidate
igb_trate 1440 Time (in minutes) before two similar transfers are allowed for ship transfers.0=disable
max_igb_storage 100000000000 Maximum amount that can be stored in IGB bank. Set to 0 to disable limits.

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LSSD Sensor Settings

lssd_level_three 300 Tech Level for level three last ship seen device to work
lssd_level_two 200 Tech Level for level two last ship seen device to work
lss_decay_time 1 This is the amount of time in days a ship signiture can be detected. Use point values to use a smaller time period. IE: 0.5 = 12 hours.

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account_creation_closed 0 1 = block new account creation
player_limit 10 0 = No player limit, Any number over 0 is the number of players online at the same time the game will support. If anyone tries to login when the limit is reached they will be told to wait and log in later.
player_online_timelimit 240 0 = No player online timelimit, Any number over 0 is the number of minutes a player is allowed to be online per day. Default is 4 hours.
profile_only_server 0 0 = profiles are not required to play on this server, 1 = Thie server requires allplayers to have a registered profile before they are allowed to create a player.
server_closed 0 1 = block logins but not new account creation
tournament_mode 0 0 = standard game, 1 = server is running in Tournament Mode and players are required to have a registered profile before they can create a new player..
tournament_setup_access 0 0 = players can log in and have access to all game selections, 1 = players can log in and have access only to tead messages, send messages, shoutbox, teams and team forums and players are required to have a registered profile before they can create a new player..
tournament_start_date 0000-00-00 Date server will change from Tournament Setup Mode to Full Tournament Mode.

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Main Site URL

link_forums Link to your forums. If you do not want a forum link displayed leave this blank.
main_site This is your web site that will be linked on the games front page. If you do not have a web site leave the default url.

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Newbie Nice

newbie_armor 100 Max tech level for newbie rating
newbie_beams 100 Max tech level for newbie rating
newbie_cloak 100 Max tech level for newbie rating
newbie_computer 100 Max tech level for newbie rating
newbie_engines 100 Max tech level for newbie rating
newbie_hull 100 Max tech level for newbie rating
newbie_nice YES Enables protections for players during their first few hundred turns.
newbie_power 100 Max tech level for newbie rating
newbie_sensors 100 Max tech level for newbie rating
newbie_shields 100 Max tech level for newbie rating
newbie_torp_launchers 100 Max tech level for newbie rating

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Nova Bomb Settings

dev_nova_damage 95 Percentage of tech levels planets and ships will keep if planet nova bombed direct
dev_nova_destroylevel 15 If the Nova Bomb explodes on the ship it will destroy the ship if it is below this average tech level
dev_nova_explode 40 Percentage chance Nova Bomb will blowup and damage ship
dev_nova_percent 5 Percentage chance Nova Bomb will actually work
dev_nova_price 1000000000 Device base cost
dev_nova_shiplimit 50 Minimum Class ship you need to have to buy a Nova Bomb
dev_nova_turnsused 200 Number of turns to fire a nova bomb

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Optional Features

allow_autotrades 1 1 = Enable the ability for planets to have cargo ships and do auto trades, 0 = disable
allow_fullscan 1 1 = Enable full long range scan, 0 = disable
allow_genesis_destroy 1 1 = Enable Genesis torps can destroy planets, 0 = disable
allow_ibank 1 1 = Enable Intergalactic Bank (igb), 0 = disable
allow_navcomp 1 1 = Enable navigation computer and auto routes, 0 = disable
allow_newscrawl 1 1 = Enable newscrawl on the main/base template screen, 0 = disable
allow_probes 1 1 = Enable the ability for players to have probes, 0 = disable
allow_sectorgenesis 1 1 = Enable Sector Genesis Device, 0 = disable
allow_shipnamechange 1 1 = Allow players to change their ship name, 0 = disable
allow_shoutbox 1 1 = Enable shoutbox on the main/base template screen, 0 = disable
auto_capture_planets 1 1 = automatically capture planet when defeated, 0 = ask if player wants to capture
enable_mass_logging 0 1 = Enable extended admin logging on all players, 0 = disable
enable_profilesupport 1 1 = Yes allow communication with the laster Profile Server for maintaining player profiles, 0 = Disable profile support.
enable_wordcensor 1 1 = enables the built in word censor that removes any foul language in player inputs., 0 = disables the builtin word censor
enable_wordcensor_metaphone 0 1 = enables the built in phonic comparison in word censor that removes any foul language in player inputs., 0 = disables the builtin word censor
enhanced_logging 1 Set enhanced logging (ip and planet activity) on or off
galaxy_map_enabled 1 1 = allow Universe Map Display, 0 = disable
hide_admin_rank 1 Set to 1 if you wish to hide admin from rankings page
link_forums Link to your forums. If you do not want a forum link displayed leave this blank.
showzeroranking 0 1= yes will show players how have joined the game but haven't used any turns, 0 = no will ignore players who haven't used turns and keeps the ranking page much cleaner
sofa_on 1 1 = Allow Sub Orbital Fighter Attacks, 0 = disable

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Planet Production

default_prod_build 0 Planet production percentage
default_prod_energy 20 Planet production percentage
default_prod_fighters 10 Planet production percentage
default_prod_research 0 Planet production percentage
default_prod_special 0 Planet production percentage
default_prod_torp 10 Planet production percentage
planet_production_skew 50 This number must be between 1 and 100. A random number from 1 to 100 is generated to determin if a commodity will be high or low production. 1 to planet_production_skew will create a high production commodity. planet_production_skew + 1 to 100 will create a low production commodity. If you want more high production commodities increase this value.
planet_prod_high_percent 45 Upper percentage range that a planet can produce commodities. Normal production is 1. The high percentage means commodity production can be between 1 and 1.45.
planet_prod_low_percent 45 Lower percentage range that a planet can produce commodities. Normal production is 1. The low percentage means commodity production can be between 0.55 and 1.

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Planet Production Rates and Settings

armor_prod_multiplier 2 This multiplier is used to figure the maximum amount of armor points a planet can store.
capture_countdown_max 1152 This is the maximum number of scheduler executions before the full captured credit amount is found on the planet.
capture_find_percentage 0.0001 (capture_countdown_max - remaining_countdown) * capture_find_percentage = percentage of hidden credits/2 to be found each tick.
capture_quickfind_percentage 15 The maximum percentage of what can be found as soon as the planet is captured.
colonist_reproduction_rate 0.0008 how fast colonists will reproduce based upon population
colonist_tech_add 75000000 Number of colonists to add to the colonist limit for each average tech level of the planet.
credits_prate 30.0 Planet credit production rate
display_percentage_age 432 This is how many scheduler executions for planet production should happen before a planets production percentages are displayed in the planet display page.
doomsday_value 90 percentage of colonists a planet needs before being affected by the apocalypse
organics_consumption 0.05 Percentage of organics each colonists will consume per tick
persuasion_countdown_max 576 This is the maximum number of scheduler executions population is persuaded to your rating.
planet_credit_multi 14000000 Multiplier for tech level cost to determine how many credits a planet can store.
production_multiplier 13 This multiplier is used to add additional credit production based upon the percentage of credits a planet has compared to the max credits a planet holds.
starvation_death_rate 0.01 Percentage of colonists who will starve per tick due to lack of organics

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neutral_neg_percent 25 Percentage of the current maximum negative rating to be classed as neutral. Anything above that is evil.
neutral_pos_percent 25 Percentage of the current maximum positive rating to be classed as neutral. Anything above that is good.
neutral_safezone 1000 This is the point range a player is always labled neutral (default: 1000 equals range of -500 to 500). This is mainly used for the start of the game.
rating_attack_planet 10
rating_attack_ship 20 Points awarded if you attack a ship.
rating_capture_planet 20 Points awarded if you capture a planet.
rating_defeat_planet 75 Points awarded if you defeat a planet.
rating_destroy_ship 100 Points awarded if you destroy a ship.
rating_genesis_destroy 30 Points awarded if you use the Genesis Device to destroy a planet.
rating_nova_destroy_planet 20 Points awarded if you nova destroy a planet.
rating_nova_planet 30 Points awarded if you nova a planet.
rating_sector_missile_attack 45 Points awarded if you attack another player with a sector missile.
rating_SOFA_attack_planet 5

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Regional Settings

local_date_full_format M j, Y - g:ia
local_date_short_format M j, Y
local_logdate_full_format F d Y H:i These three support only 'd', 'j', 'F', 'M', 'Y', 'H' and 'i'!
local_logdate_med_format F d Y These three support only 'd', 'j', 'F', 'M', 'Y', 'H' and 'i'!
local_logdate_short_format M d These three support only 'd', 'j', 'F', 'M', 'Y', 'H' and 'i'!
local_number_dec_point .
local_number_thousands_sep ,

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Scheduler Variables

enable_pseudo_cron 0 1 = enable pseudo cron - This should only be used if you do not have access to a cron task on your server and the server MUST have the fopen wrappers enabled in PHP, 0 = disable pseudo cron
enable_scheduler 1 1 = enabled schedule updating, 0 = disabled schedule updating (turns will not be added, production will not happen, ect...)
enable_schedule_log 0 1 = saves logging file to the config directory each time scheduler is run. 0 = Disable logging
turn_rate 10 This is the number of turns added to all players every scheduled tick. Normally every scheduled tick is once every 5 minutes.

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Sector Defense Settings

attack_mine_modifier 75 Percentage of increase for attacker damage and percentage decrease for defenders damage to attacker
attack_mine_torp_modifier 0.25 The ship torp_launchers minus high hightoprs difference is multiplied by this and added to the attack_mine_modifier percentage
attack_run_engine_modifier 0.25 The ship engine minus high fighter difference is multiplied by this and added to the attack_run_modifier percentage
attack_run_modifier 75 percentage of increase for attacker damage and percentage decrease for defenders damage to attacker
defense_degrade_rate 0.05 Percentage of fighters destroyed due to lack of energy.
energy_per_fighter 2.5 Amount of energy each fighter, in sector defense, needs per attack from the planets in the sector
mine_holds_percentage_modifier 0.75 Percentage of the number of holds to use to determin the breakover point for when all mines attack a ship.
sector_fighter_multiplier 10 Total fighters the planet tech levels can support in a sector is muliplied by this number to get the maximum number of sector defense fighters that can be supported.

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Settings to Create Based Planet

base_credits 10000000 Minimum Needed to base a planet
base_goods 10000 Minimum Needed to base a planet
base_ore 10000 Minimum Needed to base a planet
base_organics 10000 Minimum Needed to base a planet
max_credits_without_base 10000000 Maximum number of credits a planet can hold if it is not based.

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Spy Settings

allow_spy_capture_planets 1 Allow spies to capture enemy planets?
enable_spies 1 Set to 0 to disable spies completely
max_spies_per_planet 5 Maximum number of spies every planet can hold
planet_detect_success1 70 70% Single planet
planet_detect_success2 10 10% Every planet in the planet report
sneak_toplanet_success 5 5% How easily the spies sneak from enemy planet to enemy ship (during the planetary transfer)
sneak_toship_success 7 7% How easily the spies sneak from enemy ship to enemy planet (during the planetary transfer)
spy_cleanup_planet_credits1 0.45 Base cost. Actual values depend on number of colonists on the planet
spy_cleanup_planet_credits2 0.75 Base cost. Actual values depend on number of colonists on the planet
spy_cleanup_planet_credits3 1.2 Base cost. Actual values depend on number of colonists on the planet
spy_cleanup_planet_turns1 1 Turns needed to clean up planet
spy_cleanup_planet_turns2 2 Turns needed to clean up planet
spy_cleanup_planet_turns3 3 Turns needed to clean up planet
spy_cleanup_ship_turns1 2 Turns needed to clean up ship
spy_cleanup_ship_turns2 4 Turns needed to clean up ship
spy_cleanup_ship_turns3 6 Turns needed to clean up ship
spy_kill_factor 1.0 Constant to determine how easily the spies are automatically detected on planets
spy_price 400000 Price for each spy

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Star and Universe Settings

enable_spiral_galaxy 1 1 = Enable Spiral Galaxy model, 0 = Use Spherical Galaxy Model
max_sector_size 5 This is the maximum number of sector sizes. This size determines how many planets/cities each sector can support. Do not set this higher than 5 but it can be set from 1 to 5.
spiral_galaxy_arms 5 1 = If the Spiral Galaxy Model is used this is the number of arms the galaxy should have

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Starting Player Settings

start_armor 1 in a fight, 0 means destroyed ship New player and when killed start ship values
start_credits 10000000 New player ship values
start_credits_modifier 20 The average score of all players in the game is multiplied by this number and then added to the start player_credits value. This will allow new players to keep pace with the higher port prices in later stages of the game.
start_energy 0 New player and when killed ship values
start_fighters 0 New player and when killed start ship values
start_ship_class 10 Ship class players will spawn into.
start_turns 6000 New player values

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Team Settings

max_team_changes 5 This is the maximum number of times a player can change teams before the option is disabled for that player. This prevents a multi account team changing cheat.
team_cash_delay 288 This is how many ticks must pas between each team cach transfer.
team_cash_percentage 5 This is percentage of the players worth that can be withdrawn or deposted on a team cash planet.
team_limit 5 Maximum number of players per team
team_planet_transfers 0 If transferring credits to/from corp planets is allowed. 1=enable

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